Fathom® Lever Drag 2 speed


  • Full Metal Body and sideplates
  • Stainless steel main and pinion gear
  • Quick-Shift™ 2-speed system
  • Dura-Drag™ washers
  • 5 shielded stainless steel ball bearings
  • Double-dog ratchet anti-reverse
  • Line Capacity Rings
  • Switchblade™ harness lugs

FROM RRP. $389.99


The PENN Fathom lever drag 2-speed series of reels are compact but loaded with big features. Featuring a Full Metal Body, stainless steel main and pinion gear, Dura-Drag washers, and a double dog ratchet anti- reverse you will find there is no stopping these reels.



ModelSKUColorMono Capacity yd/lbMono Capacity m/mmBraid Capacity yd/lbBraid Capacity m/mmReel Handle PositionAnti-Reverse FeatureGear RatioRecovery RateDrag MaterialBearing CountBraking SystemMax Drag lbReel Spool MaterialDrag TypePrice
FTH15LD21292931Black Gold355/12 305/15 200/20325/0.35 275/0.38 185/0.46550/20 415/30 290/50503/0.29 379/0.36 265/0.41RightMulti-Stop6.1:1 / 2.8:131/14Dura Drag4+1Mechanical20lb | 9.0kgAluminumLever Drag$379.99
FTH15XNLD21525512Black Gold380/12 325/15 220/20350/0.35 300/0.38 200/0.46595/20 450/30 310/50635/0.29 475/.036 335/0.41RightMulti-Stop5.5:1 / 2.7:138/19Dura Drag4+1None33lb | 14.9kgAluminumLever Drag$389.99
FTH25NLD21292932Black Gold330/20 305/25 245/30300/0.46 275/0.49 255/0.54680/30 475/50 395/65622/0.36 434/0.41 361/0.39RightMulti-Stop5.5:1 / 2.7:138/19Dura Drag4+1Mechanical33lb | 14.9kgAluminumLever Drag$389.99
FTH30LD21292933Black Gold440/20  330/30  255/40405/0.46 300/0.54 235/0.61635/50 525/65 455/80581/0.41 480/0.39 416/0.49RightMulti-Stop5.5:1 / 2.7:138/19Dura Drag4+1Mechanical33lb | 14.9kgAluminumLever Drag$389.99
FTH40NLD21292934Black Gold410/30 315/40 235/50375/0.54 290/0.61 215/0.71785/50 665/65 565/80718/0.41 608/0.39 517/0.49RightMulti-Stop5.0:1 / 2.5:142/21Dura Drag4+1Mechanical40lb | 18.1kgAluminumLever Drag$419.99
FTH60LD21292935Black Gold480/40 355/50 315/60440/0.61 325/0.71 290/0.76995/65 860/80 735/100910/0.39 786/0.49 672/0.51RightMulti-Stop5.0:1 / 2.5:142/21Dura Drag4+1Mechanical40lb | 18.1kgAluminumLever Drag


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